Thursday, December 1, 2011

My view of Otero MBB...from Student Manager Dominique Arana

As the Otero Men’s Basketball manager, I’m glad I have gotten an opportunity to be part of a great team. Last year was my first year here at Otero and I didn’t know what it would be like to be a part of a college team. When I first met the team, I didn’t know if they would like me as a manager, but after getting to know them they seem to like having me around and I really appreciate that. Last year, the team was younger and so they were just learning how to play as a team, but this year they came back experienced and have played great as a team and it has shown with our current record of 9-0. In my second year of being a manager I have got to know the players more and have watched them improve. I have seen them work to get better in the gym, and they play great together as a team.

Student Manager Dominique Arana (front left) with 2011-2012 returning sophomores.

 Coach Reed and Coach O’Connor have been two of the best coaches I ever had and I have never even played for them. I’m thankful they have given me a chance to travel with the team and get the team gear as well. They treat me just like they treat every player on the team.  In my time here at Otero, I have also learned that the coaches like to have fun and play practical jokes from time to time. The one prank I will always remember is when we were at a basketball tournament and we were getting ready to leave the hotel and I couldn’t find the camera. I looked everywhere in the hotel room, under the bed, in the drawers, only to find out that some of the players and coaches had hid it from me and had already put it on the bus. Our team works really hard, but we also have a great time having fun with each other.

 Lastly, I do the “dirty work” of washing uniforms, making the coldest ice baths I can, running the scoreboard during practice, and filming or doing stats for games. I feel that everyone has a role on the team and so I try to fulfill my role so our team can be the best it can be.  I’m thankful to be part of Otero Men’s Basketball.