Thursday, October 4, 2012

Midnight Madness

Otero Basketball Players Get Introduced.
The start of basketball season is a joyous occasion. This past Monday, the Otero Men's Basketball team, along with their fellow students, faculty, and staff celebrated the beginning of a new journey with Midnight Madness. Nearly 300 people attended the event that included some full-court drills, 3 pt and knockout contests, and finished with a raucous dunk contest. The first 100 students that showed up received free Rowdy Rattler t-shirts. The event started at 10pm but students were already lined up outside the McDivitt Center at 930pm. Elliott Hamdeed, a sophomore from Colorado Springs, won the 3 pt contest by hitting 31 3's in 2:30 minutes. Coach Reed proved he is still deadly from the outside by winning a hotly contested knockout competition. Students won free t-shirts, hoodies, gift cards, and one lucky student won a 32 inch flat screen TV. The highlight of the night was the dunk contest. Seven different Rattler players competed and wowed the crowd. Kentwan Smith, sophomore from the Bahamas, won the top prize by dunking over Coach O'Connor for his first dunk and then going between his legs JR Rider style for his second dunk. This was the first year that Otero MBB has had Midnight Madness, but the evening was so successful that it will probably become a staple on the first night in October.
Kentwan Smith Dunks Over Coach O'C.

Alex Padgett Competes in 3pt Contest.

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