Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Journey Begins...from Assistant Coach Brendan O'Connor

October is a glorious month. It features
the gorgeous colors of fall, a crispness in the air, playoff baseball, college and pro football in full swing, and most importantly: the start of basketball season. While fall is usually considered the precursor to the end of the year, it also represents the beginning of a journey for teams nationwide.  We are excited about what lies ahead in our journey this season. Our guys did a terrific job in the pre-season strength and conditioning program led by Coach Alex Snyder. The adversity they faced together in the weight room is something we call 'Shared Suffering'.  Hopefully, the obstacles that they climbed together will lead to a strong foundation of trust between one another. Also, Coach Reed and I were pleased with the growth that took place in our individual and team workouts.

Our first week of practice has gone relatively well.  We are excelling in some aspects, while others need some more fine tuning.  When we started practice at 7am on October 1st, the energy in the gym was palpable. The guys were willing and eager to get better and compete. The challenge for our team will be to keep that attitude and effort as the season moves forward. The college basketball season is a marathon not a sprint and so it's critical for our team to strive to get better everyday.

One of my favorite parts of being a coach is watching the formation of a team from beginning to end. The slate is completely blank in October, filled with triumphs and disasters through the winter months, and wiped clean again after the season ends in March. Every team is different. Each one has its own strengths, weaknesses, inside jokes, and personality. I'm excited to see how the story of the 2011-2012 Otero Rattlers unfolds.