Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Foundations of Our Program...From Head Coach Houston Reed

As a coaching staff, we are excited about what the 2011-12 season can bring. We have a veteran group that has experience in our program and should have an understanding of the daily expectations we have. We are also excited about our young group. They are working daily to adjust to the speed of the game. One of the main adjustments they are working to understand is that at the college level there are no plays or possessions to take off. We hope that concept can carryover to the game of life after the basketball  stops bouncing. I have put together some concepts that we want our program to be about.
1.    We believe that the group is more valuable than the individual. We live in a “me” society full of instant gratification. We believe that everyone’s role is equally important. That’s all the way from our leading scorer to the guys that run our scout squad. Nobody gets treated any different. As our guys would say, “we don’t want any ‘I’ guys.”
2.    We believe that there is no replacement for work ethic. Players control their skill set. No matter how good or bad coaches are – a player can have an impact on their ball skill level or their ability to make shots. We want our players to maximize their abilities, and get the most out of what they have. Otero is a great place to work on your game. Our gym opens at 5 am and closes at mid-night.
3.    We believe that young people should be responsible and accountable for their actions. Players have a responsibility to their teammates to fulfill their roles on our team. As it is in a today’s world – other are depending upon you. That responsibility carries over off the floor as well. You have to be accountable for your actions, positive or negative. Nobody wants an alibi or an excuse…not your teammates, teachers, coaches.  Off the basketball court is no different, your spouse, children, or boss do not want excuses.
4.    We believe that academic success is the key to one’s future. We understand that a lot of players have ambitions to play pro basketball at some level. The truth is the percentage of players playing professionally is very low. Our goal is for our players to move on and receive four-year college degrees. We demand that guys stay on top of their academics, and are enrolled in courses that will transfer to four year institutions.
We are all blessed to have what we have. No matter what your situation, somebody always has more and someone always has less. I feel blessed to have an opportunity to coach at my alma mater, Otero Junior College. I look forward to the journey ahead with the 2011-12 season. Our focus is to have constant, daily improvement through success or adversity.

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