Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Otero Men's Basketball gives thanks...

As Thanksgiving approaches, we asked our team to reflect on the things they were thankful for in their lives. Here are their responses:

Lathan Lieb is thankful for his family, friends, and the opportunity to be a part of this team.

Dylan Fritsch is thankful for a second chance and to still be playing on a team he loves.

Anthony Johnson is thankful for his family, friends, and teammates.

Taylor Shaffer is thankful to have both of his parents and to be part of a team that not only loves the game but that also loves each other.

Lucas Archuleta is thankful for all the people in his life, the opportunity to play college basketball and for his good health.

Perryonte Smith is thankful to have a family, to be a part of the team, and to be away from the trouble that exists in the streets.

Adam Link is thankful for the second chance that Coach Reed has given him.

Andre Reider is thankful for his family, good health, and for being a part of this team which is surrounded by great teammates and coaches.

Chris Strong is thankful for his family, being able to play basketball everyday, and having a great team and coaches.

Brandon Harris is thankful for his Mom, God, Family, Friends, and life.

Yoshio Allen is thankful for his caring family,the opportunity to go to college, and the chance to play on a college basketball team.

Kallen Link is thankful for his parents and family.

Oscar Garcia is thankful for the health of himself, his family, and his team, and the opportunity to go to school and play basketball.

Wes McKenzie is thankful for his supportive family, his teammates and coaches, and Jesus Christ.

Elliott Hamdeed is thankful for his faith and family, teammates and coaches that care, and being in great health with a chance at an education. 

Dominique Arana is thankful for his family, friends, and a chance to help out with a great basketball team.

Coach O'Connor is thankful for the love and support of his family and friends, the opportunity to work for a selfless leader like Houston Reed, and the joy that comes with being around a team that plays for each other.

Coach Reed is thankful to be in love with his wife after 10 and 1/2 years of marriage, his children's health, and to have an occupation where his job isn't work.

Lastly, we'd like to thank all people that help our team. Parents, friends, faculty and staff at Otero Junior College, your support is essential to the growth of our program.
Happy Thanksgiving from Otero Men's Basketball!

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