Thursday, December 1, 2011

My view of Otero MBB...from Student Manager Dominique Arana

As the Otero Men’s Basketball manager, I’m glad I have gotten an opportunity to be part of a great team. Last year was my first year here at Otero and I didn’t know what it would be like to be a part of a college team. When I first met the team, I didn’t know if they would like me as a manager, but after getting to know them they seem to like having me around and I really appreciate that. Last year, the team was younger and so they were just learning how to play as a team, but this year they came back experienced and have played great as a team and it has shown with our current record of 9-0. In my second year of being a manager I have got to know the players more and have watched them improve. I have seen them work to get better in the gym, and they play great together as a team.

Student Manager Dominique Arana (front left) with 2011-2012 returning sophomores.

 Coach Reed and Coach O’Connor have been two of the best coaches I ever had and I have never even played for them. I’m thankful they have given me a chance to travel with the team and get the team gear as well. They treat me just like they treat every player on the team.  In my time here at Otero, I have also learned that the coaches like to have fun and play practical jokes from time to time. The one prank I will always remember is when we were at a basketball tournament and we were getting ready to leave the hotel and I couldn’t find the camera. I looked everywhere in the hotel room, under the bed, in the drawers, only to find out that some of the players and coaches had hid it from me and had already put it on the bus. Our team works really hard, but we also have a great time having fun with each other.

 Lastly, I do the “dirty work” of washing uniforms, making the coldest ice baths I can, running the scoreboard during practice, and filming or doing stats for games. I feel that everyone has a role on the team and so I try to fulfill my role so our team can be the best it can be.  I’m thankful to be part of Otero Men’s Basketball.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Otero Men's Basketball gives thanks...

As Thanksgiving approaches, we asked our team to reflect on the things they were thankful for in their lives. Here are their responses:

Lathan Lieb is thankful for his family, friends, and the opportunity to be a part of this team.

Dylan Fritsch is thankful for a second chance and to still be playing on a team he loves.

Anthony Johnson is thankful for his family, friends, and teammates.

Taylor Shaffer is thankful to have both of his parents and to be part of a team that not only loves the game but that also loves each other.

Lucas Archuleta is thankful for all the people in his life, the opportunity to play college basketball and for his good health.

Perryonte Smith is thankful to have a family, to be a part of the team, and to be away from the trouble that exists in the streets.

Adam Link is thankful for the second chance that Coach Reed has given him.

Andre Reider is thankful for his family, good health, and for being a part of this team which is surrounded by great teammates and coaches.

Chris Strong is thankful for his family, being able to play basketball everyday, and having a great team and coaches.

Brandon Harris is thankful for his Mom, God, Family, Friends, and life.

Yoshio Allen is thankful for his caring family,the opportunity to go to college, and the chance to play on a college basketball team.

Kallen Link is thankful for his parents and family.

Oscar Garcia is thankful for the health of himself, his family, and his team, and the opportunity to go to school and play basketball.

Wes McKenzie is thankful for his supportive family, his teammates and coaches, and Jesus Christ.

Elliott Hamdeed is thankful for his faith and family, teammates and coaches that care, and being in great health with a chance at an education. 

Dominique Arana is thankful for his family, friends, and a chance to help out with a great basketball team.

Coach O'Connor is thankful for the love and support of his family and friends, the opportunity to work for a selfless leader like Houston Reed, and the joy that comes with being around a team that plays for each other.

Coach Reed is thankful to be in love with his wife after 10 and 1/2 years of marriage, his children's health, and to have an occupation where his job isn't work.

Lastly, we'd like to thank all people that help our team. Parents, friends, faculty and staff at Otero Junior College, your support is essential to the growth of our program.
Happy Thanksgiving from Otero Men's Basketball!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

My Otero Experience...from former Rattler Dan Steffensen

I am proud to say I went to Otero Junior College. Otero is great for more than the aspect of just basketball. My freshman year Coach Reed took me under his wing and helped me off of the court. This translated to the court for me, and because of this I worked as hard as I could for him. Coach Reed has built a great basketball program which is quite difficult considering the dynamics of junior college. Coach Reed taught me the game in a way that I could understand it and could then perform it in my game. Coach Reed is a great motivator and expects you to work your hardest on and off the court. He often talks about being a better man and expects you to work on yourself off the court as well. Coach Brendan O’Connor is a great asset for Coach Reed. He is knowledgeable about the game and hard working. If you needed extra work in the gym he would be there for you.
 I was also very impressed with the institution of Otero Junior College. The staff is in full support of you. Their goal is to graduate you and get you to your next institution in a good standing to graduate there as well. Otero is truly a community that cares about its students and does everything it can to see them succeed.
Coach Reed has a great basketball mind, but the attribute that impressed me the most about Coach Reed is his work ethic. Coach Reed does not forget about you once you leave.  He keeps in contact with you after you leave and really cares about how you do after you leave his program. I could not thank coach enough for everything he did and does for me and I am in his debt.  I am grateful to have played for him and blessed to be able to call him a friend. Coach Reed is what college basketball is all about.
Editor's Note: Dan Steffensen was an All-Region player for Otero from 2007-2009. He then transferred to Fort Lewis College where he was named 2011 RMAC Tournament MVP in his senior season.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

High Expectations...from Sophomore Wes McKenzie

As a returning player, I’m as excited as anyone for this season. We have a great core group returning from last year. We’ve been through the grind of a full season, experienced the highs and lows, and recognize how to approach a new year. We see this new season as a chance to redeem ourselves. In a team meeting this year, Coach Reed brought up the atmosphere in the locker room after our loss to Lamar last year. That game lost us the opportunity to play in the region tournament and ended our season. Coach Reed described to us how he uses the memory, of how that locker room felt, to drive him. Personally, this was very motivational. I was reminded of how last year ended and decided we couldn’t let it happen again.
As returners, we are very excited about the group our coaches have brought together. The coaching staff has brought in a couple of transfers and recruited some hard working freshmen. Our young guys are talented and learning at a fast rate. I appreciate how eager they are to work and get things right. Our new guys all bring great energy every day. We are all excited about the potential this year’s team has. I feel a good sense of concentration and drive from everyone, which could make for a special team.  However, we still have a ton of work to do. We haven’t proven anything yet.
Our coaching staff has been great this year. Coach Snyder did an amazing job in the weight room, getting us in shape while adding a little self discipline. Coach O’Connor has done a great job with the guards. He never lets us settle and always pushes us to reach our full potential. Coach O’C always reminds us of the high level we must play at as guards. Coach Reed is the man. I’ve never respected a coach more than I respect Coach Reed. He makes an effort to build a relationship with every player and never treats any player different than another. My respect for him makes me play harder, which makes me better, which helps me reach my potential. What more could you ask for in a coach?
Lastly, our fans are OFF THE CHAIN. I guarantee our gym will be one of the toughest places to play in our entire region. Our fans make a huge difference and we really appreciate their support. I’ve never been more excited for a season of basketball than I am for this year. I feel that God has definitely blessed me in many ways. I couldn’t ask for a better situation. We can’t wait to play in front of our home crowd and represent for Otero on the road. Either way, we’ll be doing all that we can to achieve our goals. As a team, we are focused on constant, daily improvement. HIGH EXPECTATIONS.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Foundations of Our Program...From Head Coach Houston Reed

As a coaching staff, we are excited about what the 2011-12 season can bring. We have a veteran group that has experience in our program and should have an understanding of the daily expectations we have. We are also excited about our young group. They are working daily to adjust to the speed of the game. One of the main adjustments they are working to understand is that at the college level there are no plays or possessions to take off. We hope that concept can carryover to the game of life after the basketball  stops bouncing. I have put together some concepts that we want our program to be about.
1.    We believe that the group is more valuable than the individual. We live in a “me” society full of instant gratification. We believe that everyone’s role is equally important. That’s all the way from our leading scorer to the guys that run our scout squad. Nobody gets treated any different. As our guys would say, “we don’t want any ‘I’ guys.”
2.    We believe that there is no replacement for work ethic. Players control their skill set. No matter how good or bad coaches are – a player can have an impact on their ball skill level or their ability to make shots. We want our players to maximize their abilities, and get the most out of what they have. Otero is a great place to work on your game. Our gym opens at 5 am and closes at mid-night.
3.    We believe that young people should be responsible and accountable for their actions. Players have a responsibility to their teammates to fulfill their roles on our team. As it is in a today’s world – other are depending upon you. That responsibility carries over off the floor as well. You have to be accountable for your actions, positive or negative. Nobody wants an alibi or an excuse…not your teammates, teachers, coaches.  Off the basketball court is no different, your spouse, children, or boss do not want excuses.
4.    We believe that academic success is the key to one’s future. We understand that a lot of players have ambitions to play pro basketball at some level. The truth is the percentage of players playing professionally is very low. Our goal is for our players to move on and receive four-year college degrees. We demand that guys stay on top of their academics, and are enrolled in courses that will transfer to four year institutions.
We are all blessed to have what we have. No matter what your situation, somebody always has more and someone always has less. I feel blessed to have an opportunity to coach at my alma mater, Otero Junior College. I look forward to the journey ahead with the 2011-12 season. Our focus is to have constant, daily improvement through success or adversity.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Journey Begins...from Assistant Coach Brendan O'Connor

October is a glorious month. It features
the gorgeous colors of fall, a crispness in the air, playoff baseball, college and pro football in full swing, and most importantly: the start of basketball season. While fall is usually considered the precursor to the end of the year, it also represents the beginning of a journey for teams nationwide.  We are excited about what lies ahead in our journey this season. Our guys did a terrific job in the pre-season strength and conditioning program led by Coach Alex Snyder. The adversity they faced together in the weight room is something we call 'Shared Suffering'.  Hopefully, the obstacles that they climbed together will lead to a strong foundation of trust between one another. Also, Coach Reed and I were pleased with the growth that took place in our individual and team workouts.

Our first week of practice has gone relatively well.  We are excelling in some aspects, while others need some more fine tuning.  When we started practice at 7am on October 1st, the energy in the gym was palpable. The guys were willing and eager to get better and compete. The challenge for our team will be to keep that attitude and effort as the season moves forward. The college basketball season is a marathon not a sprint and so it's critical for our team to strive to get better everyday.

One of my favorite parts of being a coach is watching the formation of a team from beginning to end. The slate is completely blank in October, filled with triumphs and disasters through the winter months, and wiped clean again after the season ends in March. Every team is different. Each one has its own strengths, weaknesses, inside jokes, and personality. I'm excited to see how the story of the 2011-2012 Otero Rattlers unfolds.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Bloggin with the Rattlers

Welcome to the official blog of Otero Junior College Men's Basketball! We plan to use this forum to post updates, pictures, news articles and much more.  Stay tuned as the Rattlers look forward to another exciting year!